ConstitutionArticles 6 to 10


The official governing bodies of GSC shall be:

  1. The General Assembly; and
  2. The Executive Committee

The General Assembly

The General Assembly hereafter abbreviated to GA, comprising of all members who are in good standing with the Society, shall be the supreme body of the GSC with the key functions of providing policy direction and oversight of GSC’s activities.

The GA shall elect an Executive Committee to oversee the day- to-day running of the society.

An Executive Committee shall be elected at the GA for the day-to-day administration of GSC, and to take executive actions that are deemed necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society.

The GA may appoint other committees and sub-committees, as and when the need arises, for the advancement of a specific cause of GSC. Such committees shall be responsible directly to the GA.

All matters of GSC and decisions, with the exception of constitutional amendments, shall be done by a simple majority vote at the General Assembly.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall comprise the following elected officials:

  1. President
  2. Vice- President
  3. General Secretary
  4. Organising Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Immediate Past President
  7. Two (2) ex-officio members
  • The immediate past-past president
  • A renowned cardiologist in Ghana who is a member of GSC.


The funds of the Society shall consist of the following:

  1. Application fees (one-time payment)
  2. Annual Membership fees;
  3. Contributions, donations and grants from any source;
  4. Interest from investments;
  5. Gifts and legacies or immovable or movable property; and
  6. Endowments.
  7. Income from activities such as CPDs, conferences, update courses etc.

The accounts of GSC shall be maintained in keeping with requirements of the General Assembly enshrined in the by-laws and the laws of the republic of Ghana


The time, place, duration and agenda of meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Committee shall be determined by the Executive Committee under Regulations established in the by-laws.


The constitution and bye-laws of GSC may be amended or repealed only by, at least, a 2/3rd majority favourable votes of members at a duly constituted meeting of the General Assembly.

A proposal for such amendment or repeal of the constitution must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee ninety (90) days prior to the meeting of the General Assembly. However, an amendment or repeal of the by-laws shall require only a simple majority votes of members at the meeting of the General Assembly.

The Executive Committee shall circulate the proposal to all members in good standing, at least, thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the General Assembly. Failure of the Executive Committee to do so shall give the proponent the right to bring the matter directly before the General Assembly.

Article ix: Promulgation

This constitution, was promulgated on the 4th of August, 2018 at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons during the 1st AGSM of the GSC.